Product & Portfolio Development and Merchandising

Product Development & Portfolio Management

Price Positioning

B2B Product Portfolio

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Product Development & Portfolio Management

TARGET AUDIENCE Ciel 212 & Co. will help you define your customer base by way of analysing, evaluating and understanding your brand’s core clientele and desired targeted audience.

REFRESH THE OFFERING We will help you reinforce creativity as your customers’ needs and expectations are always adapting and evolving. For this reason, we will help you reinvent your offering while applying test-and-learn approaches to boost innovation and shorten the time-to-market period.

NARROW DOWN PRODUCT ASSORTMENT By reviewing your entire product assortment and offering, we will help you determine a core, narrowed-down focus selection. We will also help you establish your priority categories from best-sellers to the least productive items.

PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT We will work alongside you to help you achieve a first-class management capability through strategic thinking and effective portfolio management that relies on smart, front-line execution.

Price Positioning

Effective price positioning can supercharge profits far more than simply increasing sales or cutting costs.

Ciel 212 & Co. will help you refine your pricing structure to ensure it aligns with your competition while adhering to your margins and bottom line.

B2B Product Portfolio

CLEAR MESSAGE We will help you eliminate any market confusion by maintaining a clear, singular voice when communicating to your audience (both your end consumers and distributors).

PROPER RESOURCING Effective resource allocation is key. We will help you assign resources efficiently while targeting your key account priorities.

PRICE MANAGEMENT Ciel 212 & Co. will identify key procedures that will help you control your pricing across the board in a way that avoids internal and external price competition, and creates transparency to foster stronger customer loyalty.